by Asna Khan Date 6 October 2021

Thank you all for attending the 2nd National Mosque-PCOR Event!

This multi-stakeholder symposium aims to demonstrate and build upon the adoption of the Mosque-PCOR Toolkit through the Community Health Worker channel. This is the second national Mosque-PCOR event that highlights the Muslim community efforts in establishing a culture of engagement for patient-centered outcomes research. The first event in October 2019 introduced PCOR concepts to combat health disparities and delivered a Mosque-based PCOR toolkit for stakeholders. Since then, the Mosque-PCOR toolkit has been disseminated through community health workers and adopted by the first-ever Patient-Centered Free and Charitable Clinic. Today, our symposium presents the implementation essence of the one-year PCORI funded project, Equipping Muslims with PCOR-Based, Action-Oriented Research Tool (EMPART), by bringing together a diverse set of stakeholders representing and elaborating on the universal applicability of this tool.

Symposium Agenda:

ACA Pushes the Bar in Favor of Patient Centeredness

An Asset-Based Approach to Train Community Health Workers in Faith Communities

Adopting a Faith-Based PCOR Toolkit to Maximize Health Outcomes in Free Clinics

PCOR Leaders in Mosque-Communities

Mosque-PCOR Toolkit: A Framework to Community Health Programming in Mosque-Communities

Leaders Roundtable with PCOR Program Officer

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MultiLingual Hotline: (312) 746-4835

from 8 am – 8 pm Monday through Saturday and 8 am to 4 pm on Sunday


Illinois Hotline for COVID Vaccines Appointment: (833)-621-1284

Every day between 6 am and midnight


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For Seniors

These organizations agreed to help seniors with technology issues/difficulty registering for vaccine appointments or information.


Seniors Services Associates:

630-897-4035 (Aurora)

847-741-0404 (Elgin)


AgeGuide Northeastern Illinois: 630-293-5990


Association for Individual Development (AID): 630-966-9393


Aurora Public Library District: 630-264-4117


Aurora Township: 630-897-8777 (EXT. 1178)


Batavia (RSVP): 630-406-9993


Family Focus: 331-256-5980


Fox Valley Community Services: 815-786-9404


Gail Borden Public Library District: 847-742-2411


Geneva Public Library District: 630-232-0780


Hampshire Township: 847-683-9464


Kane Senior Council: 630-338-0999


Retina Health Institute- Dr. Rashmi Kapur: 847-488-1030


St. Charles Public Library: 630-584-0076


Two Rivers Head Start Agency: 630-264-1444