Worry Free recommends you to register your vaccine with your state and local public health department!
Category: Covid-19 Knowledge Base
Can Muslims Take COVID Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccine Tips
An infographic of vaccine tips.
COVID-19 Infection and Action Chart
Infographic of the process of being exposed to COVID and what you should do if exposed.
The COVID-19 Vaccine: Why Should You Get It?
Top reasons why you should get the vaccine!
Fatwa on COVID Vaccines
It appears that at least some of the COVID vaccines being developed use cell lines derived from fetal tissue. Would it be halal to take the vaccine?
COVID Vaccines are Safe!
The trial results show a consistent strong protective effect across all participant age groups.
Vaccine Timeline
Milestones of the COVID Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccine Phases
Currently, we are in the Phase 1B.
Studies of the Effect of Wearing Masks
A study showing the importance of wearing a mask.